20Yard Dumpster


The Measurements and Attributes of 20-Yard Dumpsters


The 20-yard dumpster’s adaptability and convenience makes it our most commonly rented dumpster size. A 20-yard dumpster rental is sufficiently big to deal with a sizable quantity of debris, yet small enough to fit on the average residential driveway.


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(305) 691-1516

If this is the best size for you, call us at (305) 691-1516 to speak to a customer service representative. Check out the crucial points listed below to learn more:

  • Dimensions:The dimensions of a 20-yard dumpster measure 22 feet x 8 feet x 3.5 feet.
  • Capacity:A 20-yard dumpster can hold about 8 pickup truck loads of debris.
  • Weight Limit:The weight limit of the 20-yard dumpster can vary by location and material. Call (305) 691-1516 to learn the weight limit for your location.
  • Other Key Features:Many 20-yard dumpsters contain front-loading doors that allow you to walk in heavy or bulky items.
Dumpster Rental Truck

Is A 20 Yard Dumpster The Correct Size For Your Project?

The 20-cubic yard dumpster is our most frequently borrowed roll off container. Its mid-range dimensions make it a useful option for a variety of projects, including:

  • Cleaning your garage, basement, attic or various other cluttered areas.
  • Downsizing prior to a move or other modification to your living situation.
  • Getting rid of debris from redesigning your kitchen, restroom or other spaces.
  • Disposing of building and construction debris like exterior siding, roof tiles, lumber or drywall.
  • Tidying up tree limbs, shrubs and various other backyard debris after a landscaping job.
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Need A 20 Yard Dumpster?
(305) 691-1516

Pro Tip: When placing an order for a 20 yard dumpster, protect your driveway by placing plywood over the delivery area. With larger dimensions and a higher covered weight limit, the container can get pretty heavy.

20 yard dumpster

20 Yard Delivery Guidelines 

20-Yard Dumpster Drop Off Requirements

Remember to meet the terms of the container guidelines when you are getting ready for a 20-yard dumpster delivery. They include:

  • Making sure you leave about 50 feet of space in length in your driveway so that the dumpster can be dropped off.
  • If a dumpster permit is required be sure to have it on drop off premises at the time of delivery
  • Clear away a minimum of 14 to 18 feet of vertical space so that the dumpster can be elevated and put in the designated position. Make certain the delivery area is free of any low-hanging wires or tree branches.
  • Remember the weight limit and the debris restrictions that we told you about as you begin to load up the dumpster.

    Rent A 20-Yard Roll Off Dumpster With A Quick Telephone Call

    If you are not exactly sure whether a 10-yard dumpster is the best deal for you, do not stress – we also provide 10-yard dumpsters for small tasks and 20-yard dumpsters for mid-level jobs.

    Give us a phone call at 305-691-1516 and our team will assist you with determining exactly what size best matches your project. If you have already figured out that this is the size you require, a fast telephone call is all it takes to place an order!



Additional Information

Miami Roll-off Dumpster Rentals for Residential and Commercial Projects

Miami is the place to be for pristine beaches, shopping and nighttime excitement. Just ask any of its almost half million citizens or thousands of tourists passing through. With Miami’s business sector being one of the fastest growing in the United States, the surrounding suburban areas have also grown quite a bit. New construction and updated renovations of commercial and residential structures have created a much higher need for affordable dumpster rentals in Miami- and dumpstersrentalmiami.com is proud to offer it.

We Serve These Areas & More:

Miami ♦ Hialeah ♦ Miami Gardens ♦ Miami Beach ♦ Homestead

From small private businesses and homeowners to the towering apartment buildings and hotels downtown; contractors and property owners require fast and efficient job site clean-up with dumpster rentals they can rely on. Our Miami dumpster service is licensed to work within Miami city limits and surrounding areas – enabling us to assist landlords, business owners, construction companies and homeowners keep their projects on schedule, safe and within the county.


    Contact Us 

    Contact Information 


    14042 S.W. 142 Street

    Miami, Fl 33177



    (305) 691-1516